Perceptions of People with Diabetes Mellitus Before and When Experiencing Complaints Against Sports Activities


Bafirman HB
Arif Fadli Muchlis
Fiky Zarya


This study aims to; (1) knowing and analyzing the perception of DM sufferers before experiencing complaints about sports activities, (2) knowing and analyzing the perceptions of DM sufferers when experiencing complaints about sports activities, and (3) knowing how the perception of DM relates to sports activities between before and when experiencing complaints. This research is qualitative and quantitative descriptively with a mix method model design. The population is all patients with DM complaints at M. Djamil hospital. The research sample of dm complaint sufferers who made regular visits at M. Djamil Padang Hospital totaled 79 people. The withdrawal technique used is total sampling. The data and information obtained are analyzed descriptively and correlationally using the help of SPSS sofwere with the person correlation method. The results of this research show that: (1) the perception of dm sufferers towards sports activities before experiencing complaints is mostly very positive with respondents' statements descriptively 53 people (67%) stating very good, (2) perceptions of DM sufferers towards sports activities when experiencing complaints are mostly positive with respondents' statements descriptively 51 people (65%) stating very good, and 25 people (31%) stating good, (3) There is a positive relationship (79%) perceptions of DM sufferers towards activities  exercise between before and when experiencing complaints. It is concluded that there is a meaningful relationship between dm sufferers and sports activities.


How to Cite
HB, B., Muchlis, A., & Zarya, F. (2023). Perceptions of People with Diabetes Mellitus Before and When Experiencing Complaints Against Sports Activities. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT SCIENCE, HEALTH AND TOURISM, 1(1), 1-12. Retrieved from

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