Changing Inactivity Trends: Uncovering the Potential of Exercise in Improving Body Physiological Function and Physical Health


Jennifer Astra
Bafirman Bafirman


In the modern era that tends to be inactive, the trend of inactivity is increasingly worrying and has a negative impact on physical health and physiological functions of the body. However, awareness of the importance of exercise as a means to improve the physiological function of the body and maintain physical health began to increase. Recent research has shown that exercise has a significant impact on the body's physiological system, improving the performance of the heart, lungs, and nervous system, as well as strengthening muscles and increasing body flexibility. In addition, exercise also contributes to overall physical health by lowering the risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers. A sharp and robust evaluation of the relationship between exercise, physiological function, and physical health will provide a deeper understanding of the benefits of exercise and the importance of physical activity in improving quality of life and reducing the risk of chronic disease. Thus, efforts to change the trend of inactivity towards fitness trends become important for a healthier and more productive society.


How to Cite
Astra, J., & Bafirman, B. (2023). Changing Inactivity Trends: Uncovering the Potential of Exercise in Improving Body Physiological Function and Physical Health. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT SCIENCE, HEALTH AND TOURISM, 1(2), 51-65. Retrieved from

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